BILCO CS-50TB Roof Access Hatch provides the perfect solution for roof-top access at Blair Castle, Scotland
Blair Castle is located near the village of Blair Atholl in Perthshire and is one of Scotland's most famous landmarks. The Category A listed building is said to have been constructed in 1269 and has been extensively added to over the years.
Blair Castle is now one of the most popular visitor attractions in Scotland with thousands of people visiting each year from all around the world to marvel at both the building and its contents.
Blair Castle houses important collections of weapons, paintings, furniture, hunting trophies and needlework, and is also the home garrison of the Atholl Highlanders (the only legal private army in Europe).
Maintaining such a historic monument is a massive task. The Atholl Estate employ an army of staff to ensure this iconic property is preserved for future generations. One of the many problems in looking after such a building is the fact that it was not designed with ease of access to the roof in mind. As Angus MacDonald, the Works Manager for Atholl Estates pointed out:
“To gain access to parts of the roof involved using loose ladders and having to climb through a small trap door and walk across sections of roof, often in typical Scottish weather!”
From the point of view of both convenience and safety, it was decided to explore other options to make routine maintenance a much simpler task. Following his attendance at a CPD seminar given by Bilco in Edinburgh, Angus decided to invite BILCO to visit the castle, and following a site survey and discussions with the Estate office and a Bilco engineer, it was agreed that a BILCO CS-50TB Companionway Roof Access Hatch would provide an ideal solution.
The hatch, which is fitted at an angle on the traditional pitched slated roof section, is easily accessible from the attic space within the castle and gives quick, easy and safe access to the roof - permitting easier movement of maintenance personnel, tools and equipment.
As with all BILCO hatches, the Aluminium CS-50TB is manufactured to a very high standard, fully insulated and meets all British Standards for air leakage, weatherproof and security, an important issue at Blair Castle. To ensure that using the hatch is safe and simple, it features a robust hold-open arm which locks in place when the hatch is opened. The spring assisted opening of the hatch can be calibrated to suit various locations ensuring safe and controlled operation. Robust manufacture and ease of operation make this the ideal solution for the castle staff who are delighted that simple maintenance tasks no longer require climbing skills.
The BILCO CS-50TB Companionway Ladder Hatch enables roof top access at Blair Castle, Scotland.
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